Lawyer (jurist)

Legal services private law and public law

Lawyer (jurist) with law book standing in front of a tree in Voorne-Putten with an introduction of affordable services for entrepreneurs and freelance services.

Legalance is there for organisations, businesses and private individuals.
Private law or public law? Need a tailored contract?
Here is your starting point.

Legalance provides non-advocational legal services* in the field of administrative (procedural) law, art law, competition law, environmental law, human rights, intellectual property law, law for the catering industr, privacy & ICT-recht, private law / civil law, veterinairy law (multidisciplinary) and (world) heritage law; from an affordable lawyer (jurist) for small business owners to freelance - or interim lawyer or paralegal who works on a flexible basis, directly (without intermediair) and from entrepreneurship. You are also at te right place for an interdisciplinary contribution to legal design.

This website gives you a short introduction. And knowlegde, as you will find legal articles, blogposts and the book
ERFGOEDRECHT • Onroerend erfgoed (in Dutch). You can find legal documents in the webstore, like sample contracts.

Would you like to find out how Legalance can serve you, your company or your organisation?
Please contact me.

General terms and conditions

Lawyer (jurist) for entrepreneurs

Are you, as a business owner, about to contract a customer, partner or supplier? Do you have to settle matters with the government? Does your privacy policy need to be set up? Or do you just need a go-to lawyer?

As an entrepreneur you will face quite a lot legal questions. Of course you prefer to arrange your business relationships well, not only to work together succesfully, but also to be able to end it well. And you want to avoid penalties, disputes and other problems. Just make it
easier on yourself with a lawyer (jurist). 

With knowledge of and experience in both private law and public law, Legalance has the right angle on hand most of the time. Services could be in the field of administrative law, heritage law (also world heritage), intellectual property law, art law, competition law, human rights, evironmental law, law for the catering industry, private law, privacy & ICT-law and veterinairy law. This includes eg
• writing a written response, notice of objection or written appeal;
• drafting and reviewing contracts and general terms and conditions;
• helping to register your (trade name as) trade mark;
• facilitating the transition from bogus self-employment (false self-employment, disguised employment) to entrepreneurship; 
• legal implementation of privacy (GDPR) - and cybersecurity measures in your business operations.

Legalance thinks along with you in a legal, commmercial and creative way, makes complex material easier and provides you with the information you can work with. As
affordable as possible. Because you need to be able to run a carefree business and focus on your expertise.

Please contact for more information or further acquaintance.

Legal services for private individuals

Do you as private individual have miseries with the government? Is there anything to arrange with a contract or private deed? Or do you find questions or injustice?

Law has an effect on peoples daily life, both in business and private. Of course you prefer to avoid unpleasant surprises. You might just think about how complicated it is to arragen your legal issues of have already had sleepless nights because of that. Make it easier on yourself.

With knowledge of and experience in both private law and public law, Legalance has the right angle on hand most of the time. You could contact Legalance for services in the field of administrative law, heritage law, intellectual property law, art law, competition law, human rights, environmental law, private law, privacy law and veterinary law.

These include eg
• writing a written response, notice of objection or written appeal;
• writing / preparing summons or petition;
• correspondence to the opposing party;
• drawing up a contract (or private deed / 'onderhandse akte').

Confidentiality is evident for every assignment.

Legalance thinks along with you and helps you to find your way in the legal landschape. She provides you the information you need to understand and/or manage your case and position better. Because you need to be able to carry on living your life. Does it sound like a solution? Be welcome, coffee is ready. Or contact for more information.

Please check the Dutch page for current basic rates.

Hiring a freelance or interim lawyer (jurist) or paralegal? Private law or public law
As a business or company, office or non-profit organisation you will prefer to have talented people on board. But sometimes you need extra capacity, specific knowledge, a different perspective, occasional backup or an intermediate solution in case you are understaffed or scaling up. A temporary freelance lawyer (jurist) or paralegal might be a solution. This could be arranged easily, without the interference of an intermediary!
    Legalance could assist on a
flexible basis, from short term freelance-assignments - such as literature search, case law investigation, drafting documents or drafting c.q. reviewing contracts - to long term hiring as an interim jurist for law firms, notary offices, companies and non-profit organisations. Assignments could regard administrative law, heritage law (also world heritage), intellectual property law, art law, competition law, human rights, evironmental law, private law, privacy & ICT-law and veterinairy law. Besides hybrid and remotely, the work an be done inhouse in particular in the region Den Haag / Rotterdam (Spijkenisse)/Breda. Work can be done quite flexible and green outside Randstad as well.
   You will be making the (price)agreements and the planning
directly with Legalance. The short line saves you time and money. The flexibility gives the opportunity to tailor to meet your needs. Charging will be based on actual worked hours. This is why costs are minimal and services are affordable for almost every business or solicitor (advocaat) who is working on his own.
    The freelance- or interim services as a lawyer (jurist) or paralegal shall be done
from entrepreneurship with a full business operation. Social fees, taxes, insurances and educational costs will be paid by Legalance and holidays, vacation pay, payments during sick-leave and other (hidden) personnel costs are not an issue. Moreover, upon the termination of the collaboration you do not have employment obligations, such as a transition payment or contract change₁.
   Confidentiality is evident for every assignment and privacy of your relations is a default value. If a certificate of conduct is desired or required, it will be provided.
   The convenience of freelance, a fraternal click and trust are a good basis for sometimes years of collaboration.

Please contact for more information or further acquaintance.

₁ HR 21 februari 2020, ECLI:NL:HR:2020:283

Hand drawn illustrations for legal design

Illustrations are important for the graphic design of all kinds of messages or expressions. It will be from the increasing focus on preventive and proactive practices that there is a growing awareness of this in the legal world as well. Illustrations could make legal information more user friendly for those who are not educated in law or make legal proceedings more clear. With, besides the legal, also illustrative diploma's in the pocket Legalance is able to work interdisciplinary, understand the matter, think along with you from a creative and legal perspective and visualize the subject more effectively.
     Based on the idea that a message will be
more effective with an illustration Anneke has been making illustrations for a variety of applications for years. Texts do draw attention from the audience earlier or the illustrations contributes as a visual explanation to the understanding of texts or make sure readers do remember texts better. Everything is possible in a drawing (different from photography) and it has the ability to make the experience more nuanced or more intense. Anneke’s first illustrations for legal design were about constitutional law and European law and date back from 2009.
     Legal design is designing legal information in a way that helps people to understand the law, for example by using visual elements such as illustrations, animation, icons or infographics. This contributes to the accessibility of the law, prevention of problems and solving legal questions. Visual elements could be used in contracts, decisions or brochures and websites with information about regulation. Anneke's illustrations for legal design are
hand drawn and -painted with amongst others water colour (aquarelle), acrylic, graphite, (coloured) pencil, Indian ink, ecoline, pastel chalk and/or charcoal and may be post-processed digitally if necessary.
     It is common practice to use a written briefing (description of the assignment) mentioning the legal problem or opportunity as a starting point in the process to solutions, the application of the illustration, the size, the technique, the style, possible deadline and information about delivery. The technique, style and deadline should be balanced. License agreements will be drafted separately.

    Freelance- or interim services in legal design shall be provided from entrepreneurship with a full business operation, conditions and rates included. Social fees, taxes, insurances and educational costs will be paid by Legalance and holidays, vacation pay, payments during sick-leave and other (hidden) personnel costs are not an issue. Moreover, upon the termination of the collaboration you do not have employment obligations, such as a transition payment or contract change₁.

Please contact for more information or further acquaintance.

₁ HR 21 februari 2020, ECLI:NL:HR:2020:283

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